Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Arrival in Jamsestown, ND

After a delightful visit with our niece's extended family, a perfect B &B experience at the home of Ross & Kayann Rieche's, we were on the road by 7:45 a.m.  With no problems with our 1952 Dodge,Korean Era ambulance, we made it to Jamestown, ND as planned.  We thought of going farther, when we arrived at 5 p.m. and then we realized that we were in Mountain Time, so perhaps we should have continued.  But it had been hot and windy all afternoon, so we were ready to stop.  Also, we were told that because of the oil boom here in ND, few motel rooms were in our future destinations in the state.  So tomorrow the goal is to get over the border to Estavan, SK or perhaps a bit farther, if we get an early start. 

The highlight of the day was a coffee ice cream for me and a butter brickle for David, mid afternoon, at the first little town in ND where we stopped for gas.

Photo:  Clarkfield, MN leaving Carrie Dorson (kids were still asleep) 


  1. Dear David and Beverly, It was so good to get to know you and visit about military vehicles. God Speed and we're following you on the computer. Kimm and Sheryl

  2. Hi Bev and David, I love the pics and 'am enjoying reading about your adventures. So sorry that you had to bail water and that the Laura Ingalls Wild museum was closed by the time you arrived it looks like you are having some fun adventures. I had fun with Penny we slept late, ate out every night and saw three movies. However, she does not have internet so I am just catching up on your blog. Great job! Stay cool and safe!
