The last two days have been long. . .over 400 miles each day. In the beginning, we didn't think we could join some of the group for a show in Edmonton Sat, but after missing the main drag for motels last night in Regina, we put in almost 400 miles yesterday, and finally found a City Park camping area, in Lumsten, SK. It was really very nice with lovely shower facilities, but we were too tired to do anything more than sleep! We were awake at 5 a.m and finally quit tonight around 6:30. There was a city park here too, but we decided we wanted air conditioning and some services, like email, etc. In a dated motel, but sufficient with microwave, coffee maker, fridge, TV and AC.
Next issue is we may have a blown head gasket. It began to seem like something was wrong when we filled up after having to use one of our extra cans of gas about 100 miles ago. The engine doesn't seem to want to idle but it drives fine on the straight away. David hopes to run into the repair crew tomorrow in Edmonton and has a head gasket to pick up there, as well. We have been on Canada 16 since reaching Battleford, SK and the driving has all been on four lane hwys., so that has been helpful.
The scenery in SK is beautiful, all farm land and many oil wells, but very sparsely populated. The minute we came into Alberta, it seems more prosperous and many oil wells again. The farms are larger and seem more tidy. Dad has remarked that everyone has new fancy trucks. Gas is about $5.00 a gallon, $1.25 a liter. Yikes! 25 gallons came to over $100.
Early rest stop on July 26 and same place with landscape in backgroung |
Drake, there's a town in Canada named for you! |
First time we were close to not making it to a gas station. |
Wow! At least you are not in a covered wagon, although feeding the horses would probably be cheaper than the gas. I hope that your drive tomorrow will be less stressful and that you get a new head gasket without much delay. So glad that you got a hotel for the night and are enjoying some comforts. I am sending some positive thoughts for an uneventful journey tomorrow and quick repairs.
Hey mom, glad to hear you are pushing along. Any chance it was contamination from the spare gas can that clogged the idle jet in the carb? Running well at speed sounds less like a head gasket, but maybe there is other evidence like bubbles in the radiator fluid? I am sure you will sort it out. Donald and I figured out his Honda clutch fluid was low and may have saved a tow to the mechanic. 800 miles in two days makes you sound a little ragged. Maybe a maintenance stop is a good idea.