Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Metamuska Glacier and Heartstopping Hatcher Pass

8-17-12 We headed straight West toward Parks Hwy and Denali this a.m. The road, again was paved, and incredibly, a MOOSE walked right across the road in front of us while we were still in the town of Glenallen, and I include the photo to prove it.
Finally, we see a moose close up, almost too close!
The day again was filled with mountains, mostly on our left, again the same Wrangell range.
 Our first stop was heaven for all, Sheep Mtn. Lodge. In their greenhouse they provided hot coffee and a variety of home baked goods. I had to take David his goodies, because in the bushes by the airfield we stopped at there was a junkyard which included an ambulance like ours and an old studebaker and many, many models of Volvos. Matt look for Volvo Doctor in google if you ever need parts. The cabins were lovely and flowers were totally amazing.

The first glacier we see is soon after this lovely goodie stop., the Matannuska Glacier that came very near to the highway.  It was impressive to us!

At Palmer, we were interested to know that during the depression FDR encouraged mostly MN farmers to settle in the valley and they were given a plot of land and a home to begin production of wonderful agricultural products for Alaska. Because of the good soil, long days, and relatively long growing season, the area grows huge vegetables and is the site of the Alaska State Fair.

A wagon of flowers at Alaska State Faird
Summit Lake in Hatcher Pass

Hatcher Pass was between Palmer and Willow and only the shorter vehicles were allowed to go. It is incredibly steep and winding roads and after we reached Summit Lake, we stopped nearer to the bottom of the pass and there was a photographic shoot of our vehicles. This pass was built for access for 1940 gold mines and the remnants are still visible.
Plane took the convoy vehicles going over Hatcher Pass.
Wild flowers for our ambulance!

We joined the rest of our group at Hatcher RV in Willow. We decided to stay at this camp even though, at the school location, showers were available. I was hopping for laundry and wifi and got neither again, but the porta potties were amazing with hot water, heater and flush toilets. And besides the RV provided a wonderful barbeque with great baked beans, potato salad, hot dogs or hamburgs and soft drinks. In the morning, we were surprised again with homebaked cinnamon rolls and coffee for free.

For a change we had our driver's meeting in the a.m and were on our way fairly soon.

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